
In order to make sure that our sessions can go ahead safely, we are complying with the rules put in place by The FA.

See below for points of information regarding these rules and regulations.

NGB COVID Website Link Stages Current Stage Last Updated
The FA 29/09/2020
What Does The Current Stage Mean For Training and Equipment etc
  • COVID Officer in place, conduct a general risk assessment and a safeguarding specific risk assessment and have a track and trace system in place
  • Hand sanitizer provided
  • Do not share equipment, where this is not possible, equipment should be cleaned before passing it on
  • Goalposts and flagpoles should be cleaned before and during matches and at half time
  • Minimise use of public transport
  • Use of clubhouses, hospitality facilities, changing rooms and toilets must adhere to Government guidance.
  • Groups of no more than 30
  • Matches are allowed, social distancing must be in place before and after and during breaks in play
  • If the ball goes out of play, It should not be retrieved by non-participants and should be retrieved using feet rather than hands where possible
  • Not spitting, shouting or raising voices when near another person
  • All equipment to be cleaned before and after use.
  • The rule of six will apply to all indoor organised football for anyone over the age of 18. As a result, indoor training and 3 v. 3 games can continue for adults but they must be limited to groups of no more than six people and follow The FA’s updated guidance on re-starting football. If groups of six adults are likely to mix during either indoor training or games they must not go ahead.
  • All participants and staff involved in indoor football must also follow the UK Government’s latest Covid-19 measures in relation to face coverings; facility closing times and NHS test and trace:
    • Face coverings must be worn by staff at all times and by participants when they are not taking part in training, games or seated at a table to eat or drink;
    • All indoor facilities – including those with clubhouse bars – must close at 22:00;
    • All indoor facilities must also support the UK Government’s guidance on NHS test and trace and implement the use of QR codes from 24 September 2020.
  • The UK Government’s latest Covid-19 measures are legal requirements and failure to follow them could result in fines.
  • The Universities rule on the number allowed in the venue at any one time remains at 6. This means a maximum of 6 athletes can train at once or 5 and a coach.

Club information

The biggest club at the University with 4 Teams in the BUCS leagues and also a direct link to a Sunday league team outside of the BUCS competition. Our 3 men's teams compete in tier 4 of the Midlands region whilst our only women's side compete in Tier 3.

With plenty of pitch time available, come and see us at Freshers to find out more.


We are based at the Bedford campus Astro pitch for training on Monday and Tuesday evenings (so please bring appropriate footwear - no studs). Our home pitches are at the Alexander Sports Centre and Bedford Campus in Bedford.

There are frequent trains from Luton, and a free University bus from the Bedford train station that stops right outside ASH as well as directly on campus, making it an easy venue to get to for both training and home matches.

Regular Training times

There will be free travel for all competitive sports members from the Luton Campus.

Team Day Venue Time
Men's Mondays Polhill Astro 20:00 - 22:00
Women's Tuesdays Polhill Astro 18:00 - 22:00

A booking system will shortly be in place for you to book a slot on our training sessions

Find Out More Below



UOBWFC is an amazing club to be a part of. You can get involved in training sessions, BUCs matches, awesome socials including meals, escape rooms and nights out, whilst meeting a great bunch of people along the way. We welcome all abilities - from seasoned players to those who have never kicked a ball. We provide both a competitive and social environment, allowing members to choose how much they would like to be involved. There are also opportunities to improve skills to help boost CVs including the opportunity to develop coaching and officiating.

Emma Hunter- had never played football before and ended up playing 90 minutes every game as the team goalkeeper. “When I came to university I didn’t think I would be able to join a team as there wasn’t a rugby team but the girls took me under their wing and encouraged me so even though I’ve never played football before I was able to join a team and feel completely accepted and I know I could go to them whether it be for advice on uni work or just general life help, I know I could always go to them. Without my team, my time at Bedford would look so different.”



How to join

To join our team, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the BUCS Play app form the app store
  2. Create at BUCS Play account using your STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS and then search for Bedfordshire Football
  3. Pay for sports membership using the link below

Not too sure whether you want to join? Dont worry, you have until October the 31st to pay for a sports membership. Just complete steps 1 and 2 and then get in touch with us on our socials.

Contact Sport - for Aspire Gym and booking enquiries - for anything to do with the Get Active Programme - for more information about our coaching courses, or to book onto a course - for questions regarding our Sport Scholarships